Right now, I, in the server, that is a little fame, I when a rogue in that period of time, I run 5-star not fat, they arrived safely, Guide for SOS items in Silkroadsee Oh, 30 HA, thieves of my friends as you can imagine a lot? Theft and I don't kill, everyone wore a tuxedo help me kill stealing, many businessmen see a simply stayed on in way, which faced so many thieves?
Later UNITA brothers gang left the, there's no not feast! Is normal.
I was also left the Union, au away, and I lat silkroad systemer met a fellow in Leshan, Member, summoned me to play, I am just passing, which is all of Leshan, when I went in, he will chat with you. Everyone, happy to go with rush level, fell in love with practicing level only after I came into the League. There is silkroad online goldwhat you told me, use both hard and soft tactics.
GM later update has equipment system Hou, we on fell in love with has-in equipment, to with more high of people had, members are practiced of is a bit Maple has, only I one ' s cricumstances or characters remain unchanged, the Rob also to Rob, Hou Shi also with several 5 star comm silkroad thief guideercial to DH South door to Dou members playing, as long as happy on good, I only a creed: game is took to playing of, is not took to practiced of, no people can Dang first, everyone are has hanging of when. Learn more about the friends and we often play together is the truth. Agree HA.
Now I have a little, and now is, I play with colleagu silkroad goldes, want want to make friends with me to the tianfu m I huh, we play together, Rob, anyway I am triad, or failed to live up to GM's kindness.
Here announce my buddy list: te sro goldn across the joint pin, heart {happy little angel},o nameless o, cool boy, experienced slightly, a man-about-town, instant Angel, halleluyah Khan his dad, the legend De cold flame King {}, falling, De is not bad, Pouchon Awa, ARES OK